Have you received an HMRC compliance check letter for your Research and Development (R&D) tax credit refund and you have the competence to respond?
Do you know how to defend an HMRC R and D (R&D) tax credit compliance claim? Was your R&D tax credit claim prepared by a professional in the fields of engineering, science or technology?







R and D (R&D) Compliance Ltd is a highly skilled, independent niche consultancy, providing support for UK companies requiring access to:

HMRC R and D (R&D) Tax Credit Refund Compliance
Business Acquisition, Business Sales, Disposals and Business Valuation
Grant Funding & Grant Claim Management
Fiscal Forensics and Financial Systems Audit
Fiscal Business Plans & Business Restructure

With decades of combined experience, our consultants provide second-to-none support for cutting-edge businesses across the UK. Make sure that your research and development tax credit refunds are obtained in a way that is fully compliant with HMRC guidelines so that your business can receive the relief it is due. If your business is subject to an HMRC R&D tax credit compliance check, R&D Compliance Help Ltd will supply the expertise you need to navigate the process of defending your claim.

HMRC R&D tax credit compliance checks can be extremely in depth and time consuming. HMRC will ask thorough and probing questions to ascertain if your R&D tax credit refund claim was in line with the guidelines BEIS (CIRD 81900) and Corporation Tax Act 2009 (CTA09).

At a high level, the HMRC will want a detailed breakdown of:

  1. The projects for which the research and development tax claim related to, the timings of thework undertaken, the purpose of the R&D and the outcomes, benefits and goals of the R&D work.
  2. The costs relating to the claim broadly covering staff, software, consumables, external costs including subcontractor costs and how these aspects relate to the Research and Development tax credit refund.

If you haven’t documented the R&D projects in the correct manner (format) it may be difficult for you to defend your tax credit refund.

HMRC can issue fines if the R&D tax refund claim is found to be incorrect, in addition to the repayment of refunds issued and interest applied.

Why talk to R&D Compliance Help Limited?

Even if your initial R&D tax credits claim was prepared internally or through a third-party consultant or accountant, we can offer a free of charge, no obligation review of your R&D tax claim submission, together with the R&D report you submitted to HMRC.

Following our initial review, we will discuss the options open to you.

If you wish us to assist further, we only charge on an hourly basis for the support we provide and not as a % of the tax credit claim in question. We will work with you and HMRC to resolve or mitigate your claim with HMRC.

To see how we can help, call our friendly team of professionals:

Telephone: 01484 462 600