Fiscal Business Plans & Business Restructure


A robust business plan is crucial to the success of your new business.

A well-written business plan is important when you’re about to start a business. A business plan is a document that gets to the heart of what your business does, how it works and – most importantly – what makes it different and what will help it succeed.

A good business plan should:

  • explain your business objectives;
  • be a roadmap that can help you achieve your business objectives;
  • highlight potential problems so that you can avoid them impacting on the business;
  • identify opportunities and gaps in the market;
  • detail shortcomings such as running out of money;

Here at BIG we are experts at business restructure. Working with your management team we will stabilise financial and operational activity’s reassuring all the stakeholders that satisfactory steps are being taken. BIG’s experience, understanding and skill allows us to identify important factors and key issues from which we can immediately react for the best interest of the client.  For clients in crisis, the team develops liquidity forecasts, improves cash flow management, obtains additional financing, negotiates loan covenant waivers and guides complex debt restructuring. We also provide analytical and advisory services to lenders and unsecured creditors of distressed borrowers.
